The Acer Super Series TVs have been launched in India by Indkal Technologies, and they come with Google TV based on Android 14. Alongside that, the smart TVs are also equipped with a dual processor core setup with AI capabilities, Dolby Vision, Super Brightness, HDR10+, and much more. Check out the price and features of the newly announced TVs.
Acer Super Series TVs price in India
The Acer Super Series TVs start in India at Rs 32,999 for Indian consumers. On the other hand, the company has also showcased Acer L and M-series smart TVs, priced at Rs 14,999 and Rs 89,999 in India.
Acer Super Series TVs features
The Acer Super Series TVs boast an Ultra-QLED display and are claimed to be the first smart TVs to include Google TV based on Android 14. The smart TV also includes Dolby Vision, HDR10+, Super Brightness, MEMC and more for enhanced picture quality. These TVs also feature Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM), 120Hz Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) and HDMI DSC.
Details about L and M-series TVs
Indkal Technologies also showcased the new Acer L and M-series TVs during the launch of the Acer Super Series in India. The L-series offers 4K-UHD resolution and comes with a “4-Side Frameless Design”. They are available in different sizes, from 32-inch to 65-inch.
Meanwhile, the M-series TVs include Mini LED with a QLED display and are available in 65-inch and 75-inch.
These TVs come with a 144Hz refresh rate, 1400 nits of peak brightness, a 60W output and 2.1 Channel speakers with a 60W output and a woofer. They also offer an AI-enabled dual processor engine and Google TV based on the Android 14 operating system.