The Google Pixel Buds A-series was launched in India in 2021 at Rs 9,999. This price tag made the product the most affordable Google-branded TWS to be available in the country. In our review, we said that the Pixel Buds A-series offers good audio, an unobtrusive design, and great Google Assistant integration. The Same Pixel Buds A-series is now available at a heavily discounted price on Flipkart during the Big Billion Days sale.
Google Pixel Buds A-series deal price on Flipkart
Google Pixel Buds A-series is available at a discounted price of Rs 3,999 on Flipkart. The only additional card discount applicable on the product is a cashback of Rs 200 through a Flipkart-Axis Credit Card which brings the effective price down to Rs 3,799.
Google Pixel Buds A-series: specifications
- 12mm custom drivers
- “Ok Google” assistant activation, real-time translation
- 5 hours battery on earbuds, 24 hours total playtime
- IPX4 rating
- Adaptive Sound and Clear calls functionalities
- Passive noise reduction, spatial vent for in-ear pressure reduction and spatial awareness
- Capacitive touch sensors for music, calls and Google Assistant controls
Should you get Google Pixel Buds A-series?
The discount price tag of Rs 3,999 is certainly lucrative given the Google brand name and a 60 per cent reduction from the launch price. However, we do not recommend getting these TWS because there are better options available from brands such as Samsung, Realme and OPPO under Rs 5,000.
Google Pixel Buds A-series miss out on a major feature that most TWS earphones have these days, i.e. Active Noise Cancellation (ANC). While the earbuds are designed in a way that they can provide some isolation, ANC is much more effective and a required feature if you want to get better clarity and a major reduction in external sounds.