Reliance-backed Jio has launched JioFiber “Back-up Plan” ahead of the IPL 2023 season. The new plan costs just Rs 198 and offers consumers a choice to upgrade the speed from 10 Mbps to 30Mbps or 100Mbps with 1/2/7 days options. This is Jio’s cheapest broadband plan and is aimed at users who need a backup connection in case their main connection is down.
This will also serve well as a budget broadband connection, especially for those who have unconnected homes and are getting started with a fixed-line connection. The new JioFiber Back-Up Connection will be available starting 30th March, 2023.
JioFiber Back-up plan
The JioFiber backup plan offers unlimited data, a one-click speed upgrade, and free landline calls. The plan offers a 10Mbps speed but users can buy speed vouchers for 1,2 or 7 days to upgrade the speed to 30Mbps or 100Mbps. As said, these speed upgrades will be valid only for the time duration mentioned. Here’s a table with the pass and price.
Pass | 30Mbps | 100Mbps |
1 Day | Rs 21 | Rs 32 |
2 Days | Rs 31 | Rs 52 |
7 Days | Rs 101 | Rs 152 |
Furthermore, Jio is also offering an entertainment upgrade as well, where consumers paying Rs 298 a month will get internet and 6 OTT apps and a set-up-box with 400 live channels. Consumers paying Rs 398 will get 14 OTT apps and 500 live channels. Customers opting for just internet will only have to pay Rs 198 + GST per month.
How to get JioFiber Backup broadband plan
Jio is offering customers a 5-month advanced payment option, which costs Rs 1,490 for 5 month-service (Rs 198 X 5=Rs 990) and Rs 500 installation charges. Interested customers can book a new connection by giving a missed call on 60008 60008 or visiting or heading to the nearest Jio retailer and booking a backup connection at Rs 99.