Motorola is reportedly in the works to launch its Motorola Razr+ 2023 smartphone. The device will soon launch in China, as it has begun its certification journey in the country. The device was recently spotted on the Chinese CQC certification website, which revealed its battery capacity and fast charging capacity and now, the same device has been spotted on the TDRA certification and the Canadian REL certification websites, leading to some interesting developments. Let’s take a look.
Motorola Razr 40 Ultra and Motorola Razr+ 2023 appear to be the same device with different names
As seen in the TDRA certification and the REL certification images above, both Motorola Razr+ 2023 and Motorola Razr 40 Ultra have the same model number (Motorola XT2321-3 and Motorola XT2321-1, so we can expect them to launch with different names in different regions. This is nothing new, and has been a pretty common trend in the smartphone market for ages now.
Sadly enough, neither of the certification listings tells us anything about the specifications and features of the device(s) in question. That said, the CQC listing the Motorola Razr+ 2023 was spotted in the past (with the model number Motorola XT2321-2) confirmed that the device would feature 33W fast charging.
Plus, the device is said to feature a somewhat larger battery capacity compared to its predecessor, and will reportedly sport a 3,640mAh battery.
This is the first time that the Motorola Razr 40 Ultra moniker has popped up, and details surrounding its specifications are pretty scarce for now. That said, the Motorola Razr+ 2023 is rumoured to launch sometime during Q2, 2023 in China, so we will automatically get to know pretty much everything about the Motorola Razr 40 Ultra anyway.