The Realme 8 and 8 Pro sale date in India is here, just one day after their launch. The two phones went official last night, with the Realme 8 prices in India beginning at Rs 14,999 and the Pro model starting at Rs 17,999. If you are looking to buy the phones, you can head to both online and offline stores across the country. As for the key specifications, the Pro model offers a Super AMOLED display, Snapdragon 720G chipset, and a 108MP camera. The Realme 8 specifications, on the other hand, include a Super AMOLED display, 64MP quad cameras, and 30W fast charging support. Let’s take a look at where you can buy the new Realme 8 series in India.
Also read: Realme 8 and Realme 8 Pro launched with AMOLED displays, up to 108MP camera
Realme 8 series first sale in India today: how to buy online and offline
Realme 8 and Realme 8 Pro will go on sale in India today at 12pm IST on Flipkart,, and offline stores across the country. The Realme 8 comes in Cyber Silver and Cyber Black colours, while the Pro model comes in Infinite Blue, Infinite Black, and Illuminating Yellow colours.
Those who pre-ordered the Realme 8 or 8 Pro by paying a token amount of Rs 1,080 can complete the purchase by paying the rest of the amount today. Those who do not wish to buy the device after pre-ordering will get a refund of the deposit.
Realme 8 and Realme 8 Pro prices in India
Realme 8 price in India starts from Rs 14,999 for the 4GB+128GB variant. The 6GB+128GB and 8GB+128GB variants are priced at Rs 15,999 and Rs 16,999, respectively. The Realme 8 Pro is priced at Rs 17,999 for the 6GB+128GB and Rs 19,999 fr the 8GB+128GB option.
Realme 8 series specifications
Realme 8 features a 6.4-inch FHD+ (1080×2400) Super AMOLED display with 1000 nits peak brightness. The smartphone is powered by the MediaTek Helio G95 chipset paired with up to 8GB RAM and 128GB internal storage. The Realme 8 is equipped with a quad-camera system that includes a 64MP primary camera, 8MP wide-angle lens, 2MP macro, and 2MP B&W camera. The phone packs a 5,000mAh battery and supports 30W fast charging.
Realme 8 Pro also sports a 6.4-inch FHD+ Super AMOLED display. The phone comes with the Snapdragon 720G chipset paired with up to 8GB RAM and 128GB internal storage. The quad-camera system includes a 108MP primary camera, 8MP wide-angle lens, and a couple of 2MP sensors. The device houses a 4,500mAh battery and supports 50W fast charging.