Samsung has launched a brand new variant of the Galaxy A51 in India. The smartphone will now be available in a higher 8GB RAM variant with 128GB internal storage. To recall, the Samsung Galaxy A51 was launched in India back in January in a 6GB + 128GB configuration, priced at Rs 23,999. Samsung later increased the price of this variant to Rs 25,250 in April following the GST rate hike. Now, the company is offering the popular Galaxy A51 smartphone in an 8GB RAM variant for those looking to for more performance and improved multitasking experience.
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Samsung Galaxy A51 8GB RAM price in India
The Samsung Galaxy A51 8GB + 128GB variant price is set at Rs 27,999. The new variant comes in Prism Crush Black, Prism Crush White and Prism Crush Blue colour options and will be available across offline retail stores, e-commerce platforms and
Samsung Galaxy A51 8GB RAM specifications
Apart from the new RAM variant, everything else about the Samsung Galaxy A51 remains the same as the 6GB RAM variant. The smartphone sports a 6.5-inch FHD+ Super AMOLED Infinity-O display with a center-aligned punch-hole cutout. It is powered by a 2.3GHz octa-core Exynos 9611 processor and supports storage expandability up to 512GB via a microSD card. The Samsung Galaxy A51 runs on Android 10 with One UI 2.0 on top.
Samsung Galaxy A51 features a quad-camera setup that includes a 48MP main camera, a 5MP macro lens, a 12MP wide-angle lens, and a 5MP depth sensor. The phone also gets a 32MP selfie camera housed in the punch-hole cutout. The device houses a 4,000mAh battery and supports 15W fast charging. The handset measures 158.5×73.6×7.9mm and weighs 172 grams.