Samsung unveiled the Galaxy A52 5G and the Galaxy A72 in March this year. The two smartphones have been launched in a couple of countries so far. However, Samsung is yet to launch these devices in a few key markets across the globe. Take India for example. While the country got the Galaxy A72, the brand is yet to launch the Galaxy A52 5G in the Indian market. Well, that won’t seem to be happening anytime soon. According to a new report, Samsung is facing a chipset shortage, which is affecting the production of the Galaxy A52 5G and the Galaxy A72. Therefore, the brand could delay the launch of these two devices in a few countries.
Also read: 5 companies delaying smartphone launches in India due to COVID crisis
Samsung is facing production issues with Galaxy A52 5G and Galaxy A72
According to a new report from The Elec, Samsung is finding it hard to procure chipsets from Qualcomm, namely, the Snapdragon 750G and the Snapdragon 720G, which power the Galaxy A52 5G and the Galaxy A72 respectively. Due to the shortage of these chipsets, Samsung is not able to produce enough units of the two smartphones.
As a result, there has been a shortage of the Galaxy A52 5G and the Galaxy A72 in the markets where these devices have been launched. So even if Samsung launches the two smartphones in other markets, it won’t have enough stock to fulfill the demand. Therefore, the publication says that Samsung could delay the launch of the Galaxy A52 5G and the Galaxy A72 in key markets.
Samsung Galaxy A52 5G India launch could be delayed
According to various reports online, Samsung is preparing to launch the Galaxy A52 5G in the Indian market this month. However, considering the new report from The Elec, it looks like the Galaxy A52 5G India launch could be delayed. However, there is no proof backing this speculation.
Other smartphone manufacturers such as Xiaomi, OPPO, Vivo, and Realme use the Snapdragon 720G and the Snapdragon 750G chipsets as well. At the moment, there is no information about how has the shortage of these chips has affected the production of the smartphone from these brands.
Global chip shortage
Samsung isn’t the only brand that is facing a shortage of chipsets. The whole electronics industry has been a victim of this crisis. The global chipset shortage has hindered the production of the latest desktop and laptop CPUs, graphics cards, and also gaming consoles such as the Microsoft Xbox Series X and the Sony PlayStation (PS5). Even major automotive manufacturers including Ford and Toyota had to halt the production of their vehicles due to the shortage of chips.