At least one of the models in the Vivo X50 series, which has been confirmed to launch in India soon, will be unveiled as early as next month, 91mobiles has learnt from a retail source who wishes to remain anonymous. There is no exact launch date yet, but the retail source has added that the Vivo X50 Pro will arrive in Indian by mid-July, though plans may be altered depending on how the COVID-19 situation progresses. However, there is no information about the launch plans for Vivo X50 and X50 Pro+ yet. The handsets have already been launched in China. The Vivo X50 Pro is a mid-range 5G offering with Snapdragon 765G chipset ticking at its core. It also touts a curved punch-hole display, a beefy battery cell, and quad-rear cameras with 48MP main sensor and gimbal-like stabilisation camera technology that reduces shake while shooting videos.
Vivo X50 Pro price, specifications
The Vivo X50 Pro, to recall, runs Android 10-based Funtouch OS 10.5 out of the box. The handset packs a 6.56-inch full-HD+ (1080×2376 pixels) AMOLED curved-edged display with 92.6 percent screen-to-body ratio and HDR10+ support. The phone is powered by Snapdragon 765G SoC, paired with Adreno 620 GPU and up to 8GB of RAM. Internal storage is offered up to 256GB. There is an in-display fingerprint scanner for security. The handset is driven by a beefy 4,315mAh battery with 33W fast charging support.
In optics, the Vivo X50 Pro sports a quad-camera setup at the back with a 48MP primary sensor, a 13MP portrait sensor, an 8MP telephoto sensor, and an 8MP macro sensor. The cameras are backed by features such as gimbal-like hardware-based tech for video stabilisation, night view, portrait, panorama, dynamic photo, slow motion, short video, professional mode, time-lapse photography, super moon, AR cute shoot document correction, OIS anti-shake, EIS video anti-shake, and more.
The front camera of the phone features 32MP sensor inside a hole-punch cutout. Connectivity options on the Vivo X50 Pro include SA and NSA 5G, USB Type-C, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth v5.1.
The Vivo X50 Pro price in China starts at RMB 4,298 (approx Rs 45,500) and goes up to RMB 4,698 (approx Rs 49,700). The vanilla Vivo X50 touts the same specifications minus for the telephoto lens, whereas the Vivo X50 Pro+ is a flagship offering with Snapdragon 865 SoC at the helm. The X50 Pro+ also packs 120Hz high refresh rate display, 50MP quad rear cameras, premium leather finish, and 44W fast-charging support.
~With inputs from Mukesh Kumar Singh