“Vivo V95, price in India slated to be Rs 14,990, will have a 6.26-inch display, 4GB of RAM, 13MP + 5MP rear cameras, and 8MP front camera”
Vivo has pushed back the planned launch of its Y95 mid-range smartphone by a few days, but we have more details about the handset, including the price. Retail sources have informed 91mobiles that the upcoming Y95 smartphone will become available to purchase via offline retail channels in the coming few days. The Vivo smartphone will bring the Halo notch design to the sub-Rs 15,000 price segment as well.
The upcoming Vivo Y95 smartphone — which is yet to be unveiled globally, including the brand’s home market — will sport a 6.22-inch display with a Halo notch to house the sensors and front camera. It will have 4GB of RAM and 64GB of onboard storage, along with a 3,260mAh battery. There is also a dual camera setup with 13MP + 5MP sensors on the back and an 8MP camera in front. As for the Vivo Y95 price in India, buyers will have to shell out Rs 14,990. Other features of the Y83 include 19:9 aspect ratio, MediaTek Helio P22 processor, storage expansion up to 256GB, AI-based face beautification in the selfie camera, and Android Oreo-based FunTouch OS custom skin.
We had previously reported that Vivo Y95 will be the successor to the Y83 smartphone. Compared to the predecessor, the new smartphone has upgrades such as a smaller display notch, twice the storage, and dual cameras in front. Vivo in China has launched the Y93 and Y97 smartphones, leaving the slot for the Y95 open.