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  • iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM
  • iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM
  • iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM
  • iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM
  • iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM
  • iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM
  • iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM
  • iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM
  • iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM
  • iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM
  • iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM
  • iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM

iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM Geekbench, GFXbench & PCMark Score

  • iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM Geekbench single-core score is 685 and multi-core benchmark score is 1,946
  • GFXBench Manhattan score for iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM is 2,575.0 and GFXBench T-Rex score is 4,692.0
  • iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM PCMark battery performance time is 19h 23m
Benchmark Type Benchmark Name Score
Overall Performance AnTuTu NA
Processor Performance Geekbench Single-core Geekbench Multi-core 685 1,946
Graphic Performance GFX Manhattan GFX Trex 2,575.0 4,692.0
Battery Performance PCMark 19h 23m

iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM Benchmark Scores Overview

iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 695. The processor is Octa core (2.2 GHz, Dual core, Kryo 660 + 1.7 GHz, Hexa Core, Kryo 660) that uses 64 bit architecture and Adreno 619 GPU. It runs on Android v12 operating system with 4 GB / 6 GB / 8 GB RAM and 128 GB ROM.

iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM Geekbench Score:

On Geekbench, iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM CPU is tested to check the performance of a single core as well as multiple cores in carrying out tasks. The iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM Geekbench multi-core score is 1,946 and single-core score is 685.

Geekbench Tested by 91mobiles

Geekbench Single Core
The higher, the better
Group* Best 1,190
Group* Avg 949
This Phone 685
Worst 685
*Group: 15-21k Phones
Geekbench Multi Core
The higher, the better
Group* Best 3,239
Group* Avg 2,481
This Phone 1,946
Worst 1,862
*Group: 15-21k Phones

iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM GFXBench Score:

The GFXBench app is used to test the iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM for graphics (GPU) performance, with two key components: Manhattan and T-Rex. The iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM GFXBench Manhattan and T-Rex scores are 2,575.0 and 4,692.0, respectively.

GFXBench Tested by 91mobiles

GFXBench T-Rex
The higher, the better
Group* Best 6,321.0
This Phone 4,692.0
Group* Avg 4,101.2
Worst 2,865.0
*Group: 15-21k Phones
Graphics Performance (GFXBench)
The higher, the better
Group* Best 5,209.0
Group* Avg 3,480.6
This Phone 2,575.0
Worst 2,102.0
*Group: 15-21k Phones

iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM PCMark Score:

PCMark is used to benchmark the iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM battery performance on real-world tasks. The iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM PCMark battery performance time is 19h 23m .

PCMark Tested by 91mobiles

Battery Life (PCMark Benchmark)
The higher, the better
Group* Best 19.9
This Phone 19.4
Group* Avg 13.6
Worst 9.6
*Group: 15-21k Phones

iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM Specs

Key Specs

Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 | 4 GB RAM + 128 GB 6 GB RAM + 128 GB 8 GB RAM + 128 GBProcessor
50 MP + 2 MP + 2 MPRear Camera
16 MPFront Camera
5000 mAhBattery
6.58 inches (16.71 cm)Display
See Full Specs

iQOO Z6 5G 8GB RAM Prices