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  • OPPO A5s
  • OPPO A5s
  • OPPO A5s
  • OPPO A5s
  • OPPO A5s
  • OPPO A5s

OPPO A5s Geekbench Benchmark Score

  • OPPO A5s Geekbench single-core score is 911 and multi-core benchmark score is 3,943

OPPO A5s AnTuTu Benchmark Scores with Parameters

Parameter Name Score Percentile
CPU 40,646 8.0%
GPU 12,381 3.0%
Memory 7,125 1.0%
UX 24,236 7.0%

OPPO A5s Benchmark Scores Overview

OPPO A5s is powered by the MediaTek Helio P35. The processor is Octa core, 2.3 GHz, Cortex A53 that uses 64 bit architecture and PowerVR GE8320 GPU. It runs on Android v8.1 (Oreo) operating system with 2 GB RAM and 32 GB ROM.

OPPO A5s Geekbench Score:

On Geekbench, OPPO A5s CPU is tested to check the performance of a single core as well as multiple cores in carrying out tasks. The OPPO A5s Geekbench multi-core score is 3,943 and single-core score is 911.

Geekbench Tested by 91mobiles

Geekbench Multi Core
The higher, the better
Group* Best 9,103
This Phone 3,943
Group* Avg 1,760
Worst 417
*Group: 7-13k Phones
Geekbench Single Core
The higher, the better
Group* Best 2,469
This Phone 911
Group* Avg 475
Worst 124
*Group: 7-13k Phones

OPPO A5s Specs

Key Specs

MediaTek Helio P35 | 2 GBProcessor
13 MP + 2 MPRear Camera
8 MPFront Camera
4230 mAhBattery
6.2 inches (15.75 cm)Display
See Full Specs

OPPO A5s Prices