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Realme P1 5G vs POCO X6 Neo 5G battery comparison: which phone offers better battery life?

Here's a battery comparison between the Realme P1 5G and POCO X6 Neo 5G to find out which device offers superior battery performance.

Realme P1 5G vs POCO X6 Neo 5G performance comparison: one clear winner

Here's an in-depth performance comparison between Realme P1 5G and the POCO X6 Neo 5G.

Realme P1 vs Redmi Note 13 performance comparison: which one’s speedier?

We compare the new Realme P1's performance with the Redmi Note 13

Comparing Vivo T3x vs Realme 12x: which is a better pick under Rs 15,000?

Vivo T3x has a starting price of Rs 13,499. We compare the phone with the Realme 12x to see which is a better buy.

Moto G64 vs Realme P1 camera comparison: a close fight

Moto G64 and Realme P1 are two new performance-focused offerings the Rs 15,000 segment. Which one offers better cameras?

Comparing Realme P1 Pro 5G and Redmi Note 13 Pro 5G: which is a better buy under Rs 25,000?

Realme P1 Pro is the new mid-range offering in India. Here's a detailed comparison between Realme P1 Pro and Redmi Note 13 Pro to see which is a better buy.

Realme P1 compared with Redmi Note 13: which phone offers more value for money?

Realme P1 price starts at Rs 15,999. We compare the phone with Redmi Note 13 5G to see which is a better buy in the segment.

Nothing Ear (a) vs OnePlus Buds 3: what do the TWS earbuds offer under Rs 6,000?

The Nothing Ear (a) price in India is set under Rs 6,000 and it takes on the likes of the OnePlus Buds 3. Which TWS earbuds offer better value for money?

Motorola Edge 50 Pro vs Realme 12 Pro+ battery comparison: which smartphone lasts longer?

Here's a battery comparison between the Motorola Edge 50 Pro and the Realme 12 Pro+ to find out which device lasts longer

Comparing Vivo T3x with Moto G64: which phone offers better features under Rs 15,000?

Vivo T3x and Moto G64 are new phones that fall under Rs 15,000. We take a look at how different the two phones are from each other.

Motorola Edge 50 Pro vs Realme 12 Pro+ performance comparison: the faster mid-ranger?

Here's an in-depth performance comparison between the Motorola Edge 50 Pro and the Realme 12 Pro+

Comparing Infinix Note 40 Pro+ and OnePlus Nord CE4: which phone looks better under Rs 25,000?

Infinix Note 40 Pro+ price in India is set under Rs 25,000 and it squarely faces off against the OnePlus Nord CE4.

OnePlus Nord CE4 vs OPPO F25 Pro camera comparison: which one’s better?

Here's a camera comparison between the new Nord CE4 and OPPO's F25 Pro

Moto G64 compared with Realme 12: which budget 5G phone should you go for?

We compare the Moto G64 5G and Realme 12 5G to see which budget phone should you buy in the budget segment.

OnePlus Nord CE4 vs Redmi Note 13 Pro performance comparison: which phone is the better performer under Rs 30,000?

Here's an in-depth performance comparison between the OnePlus Nord CE4 and the Redmi Note 13 Pro to find out which phone delivers superior performance. 

Comparing Realme P1 Pro 5G and Infinix Note 40 Pro 5G: which is a better buy under Rs 25,000?

Realme P1 Pro launched in India at a starting price of Rs 21,999. We now compare the phone with the Infinix Note 40 Pro to see which is a better buy.

Motorola Edge 50 Pro vs Redmi Note 13 Pro+ battery comparison: which phone offers better battery life?

Here is a comprehensive battery comparison between the Motorola Edge 50 Pro and the Redmi Note 13 Pro.

Motorola Edge 50 Pro and iQOO Neo 9 Pro compared: which phone offers better value for money?

Here's a detailed comparison between Motorola Edge 50 Pro and iQOO Neo 9 Pro.

OnePlus Nord CE4 vs POCO X6 Pro performance comparison: the more powerful phone?

Here is our detailed performance comparison between the OnePlus Nord CE4 and POCO X6 Pro!

Comparing Samsung Galaxy M55 and Realme 12 Pro: which is the better mid-range phone?

Samsung Galaxy M55 5G's price in India was revealed recently we take a look at how the phone compares to the Realme 12 Pro.

Comparing Samsung Galaxy M55 and OnePlus Nord CE4: which phone offers more under Rs 30,000?

Samsung Galaxy M55's price in India falls under Rs 30,000 and we see how the phone compares to the OnePlus Nord CE4.

Comparing Motorola Edge 50 Pro and Redmi Note 13 Pro 5G: which phone offers better features?

Motorola Edge 50 Pro price in India starts at Rs 31,999. In this article, we will compare it with the Redmi Note 13 Pro 5G.

Motorola Edge 50 Pro vs Redmi Note 13 Pro+ performance comparison: the better performer under Rs 35,000?

Here's a comprehensive performance comparison between the Motorola Edge 50 Pro and the Redmi Note 13 Pro+ to find out which smartphone performs better. 

OnePlus Nord CE4 vs Nothing Phone 2(a) performance comparison: which one’s faster?

Here's a detailed performance comparison of the OnePlus Nord CE4 with the Nothing Phone 2(a)

Comparing Motorola Edge 50 Pro and OnePlus 12R: which phone offers more under Rs 40,000?

Motorola Edge 50 Pro price in India was revealed this week and we take a look at how this feature-packed phone compares against the OnePlus 12R.

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