Realme P1 5G vs Moto G64 performance comparison: which phone offers better performance?

The Realme P1 (review) has quickly become one of the more popular handsets with some interesting features for the price. The phone comes with a capable MediaTek chipset, UFS 3.1 storage, and an AMOLED display. The brand’s focus for this phone is pretty clear, as the ‘P’ in its moniker stands for performance. We recently compared the Realme P1 with the Moto G64 (review) to find out which phone offers better battery backup and charging speeds, and now it is time for us to pit these phones together for the performance test. 

Realme P1 vs Moto G64 specifications

ProcessorMediaTek Dimensity 7050 SoCMediaTek Dimensity 7025 SoC
GPUArm Mali-G68 GPUIMG BXM-8-256 GPU
MemoryUp to 8GB of LPDDR4X RAM, 256GB of UFS 3.1 storage Up to 8GB of LPDDR4X RAM, 256GB of UFS 2.2 storage 


Just by looking at the specs, one might think that the Realme P1 will come well ahead of the G64 when it comes to benchmarks. However, if you’re thinking along these lines, you’d be quite off. On the Geekbench benchmark, the Realme P1 managed to get a single-core of 959 and a multi-core score of 2390. On the other hand, the Moto G64 registered a single-core of 1015 and a multi-core score of 2469 on the same test. These scores suggest both these handsets can easily handle day-to-day tasks, including multitasking and gaming. However, it is surprising that the Dimensity 7025 chipset outperforms the Dimensity 7050 chipset, as the nomenclature suggests otherwise.

Despite featuring the same Dimensity 7025 chipset, the Moto G64 achieved higher Geekbench single and multi-core scores than the Realme P1. Based on these numbers, the Moto G64 can handle demanding tasks more efficiently under heavy stress.

Winner: Moto G64


In the AnTuTu benchmark, which evaluates the processor as well as the GPU performance, the Realme P1 achieved a much higher score than the Moto G64. The Realme P1 managed to get a score of 6,02,920 in this test, while the Moto G64 registered a score of 4,97,235. This shows that the Realme P1 will generally perform faster and more efficiently in tasks such as gaming, multitasking, and overall system responsiveness compared to the G64.

Winner: Realme P1

Throttling test

We also tested the smartphones’ ability to perform under extremely heavy stress via the Burnout app.

Realme P1 (L) vs Moto G64 (R) Throttle test result.

The results above highlight that the Realme P1 was relatively more stable in its peak performance than the Moto G64 as the former offered 76.7 percent of its peak performance under throttling, while the latter could only manage 64.3 percent of its peak performance under similar conditions.

Winner: Realme P1


Both Realme P1 and Moto G64 can run demanding titles, including BGMI (Battlegrounds Mobile India), Call of Duty: Mobile, and Real Racing without lag issues. If you’re into casual gaming, you won’t have any stutter issues with either of these handsets.

However, thermal management is marginally better on the Realme P1 than on the G64. After playing the games for 30 minutes each, the Realme phone heated up by 15.6 degrees. In contrast, the G64’s temperature increased by 19.1 degrees.

Winner: Realme P1

Winner: Realme P1


Based on the performance benchmarks and gaming experience, the Realme P1 turned out to be clearly better than the Moto G64 on multiple fronts. However, you need to keep in mind that the Realme phone is priced slightly higher. Other things you need to keep in mind, include that the G64 comes with a more compact size and a larger 6,000mAh battery. The Realme P1, however, comes with faster UFS 3.1 storage, faster charging speed support, and an AMOLED panel (compared with an LCD panel on the G64). Overall, it seems pretty clear that in terms of performance, the Realme P1 is a better choice between the two.