Benchmark Type | Benchmark Name | Score |
Overall Performance | AnTuTu | 139,753 |
Processor Performance | Geekbench Single-core Geekbench Multi-core | 1,494 5,532 |
Graphic Performance | GFX Manhattan GFX Trex | NA NA |
Battery Performance | PCMark | 19h 12m |
realme 5 is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 665. The processor is Octa core (2 GHz, Quad core, Kryo 260 + 1.8 GHz, Quad core, Kryo 260) that uses 64 bit architecture and Adreno 610 GPU. It runs on Android v9.0 (Pie) operating system with 3 GB RAM and 32 GB ROM.
realme 5 has an overall AnTuTu score of 139,753. The benchmark app also gives individual scores for CPU, Memory, GPU, and UX tests.
On Geekbench, realme 5 CPU is tested to check the performance of a single core as well as multiple cores in carrying out tasks. The realme 5 Geekbench multi-core score is 5,532 and single-core score is 1,494.
PCMark is used to benchmark the realme 5 battery performance on real-world tasks. The realme 5 PCMark battery performance time is 19h 12m .
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