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Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB
  • Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB
  • Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB
  • Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB
  • Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB

Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB AnTuTu, Geekbench & GFXBench Score

  • Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB AnTuTu benchmark score is 854,468.
  • Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB Geekbench single-core score is 1,740 and multi-core benchmark score is 4,689
  • GFXBench Manhattan score for Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB is 3,721.1 and GFXBench T-Rex score is 3,360.5

Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB AnTuTu Benchmark Scores with Parameters

Parameter Name Score Percentile
AnTuTu 854,468 91.0%
CPU 208,060 86.0%
GPU 351,304 90.0%
Memory 162,910 90.0%
UX 132,194 78.0%

Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB Benchmark Scores Overview

Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB is powered by the Apple A15 Bionic. The processor is Hexa Core (3.23 GHz, Dual core, Avalanche + 1.82 GHz, Quad core, Blizzard) that uses 64 bit architecture and Apple GPU (Five-core graphics) GPU. It runs on iOS v16 operating system with 6 GB RAM and 256 GB ROM.

Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB AnTuTu Score:

Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB has an overall AnTuTu score of 854,468. The benchmark app also gives individual scores for CPU, Memory, GPU, and UX tests. Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB scored 208,060 for CPU, 162,910 for Memory, 351,304 for GPU, and 132,194 for UX test.

AnTuTu Tested by 91mobiles

Overall Performance (AnTuTu)
The higher, the better
Group* Best 2,020,176
Group* Avg 892,506
This Phone 854,468
Worst 271,486
*Group: 77-195k Phones
CPU Score
The higher, the better
Group* Best 477,734
Group* Avg 248,535
This Phone 208,060
Worst 58,924
*Group: 77-195k Phones
GPU Score
The higher, the better
Group* Best 865,140
Group* Avg 374,471
This Phone 351,304
Worst 100,806
*Group: 77-195k Phones
Memory Score
The higher, the better
Group* Best 398,362
Group* Avg 188,980
This Phone 162,910
Worst 12,471
*Group: 77-195k Phones
UX Score
The higher, the better
Group* Best 339,858
Group* Avg 174,946
This Phone 132,194
Worst 54,520
*Group: 77-195k Phones

Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB Geekbench Score:

On Geekbench, Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB CPU is tested to check the performance of a single core as well as multiple cores in carrying out tasks. The Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB Geekbench multi-core score is 4,689 and single-core score is 1,740.

Geekbench Tested by 91mobiles

Geekbench Multi Core
The higher, the better
Group* Best 10,265
This Phone 4,689
Group* Avg 4,378
Worst 1,673
*Group: 77-195k Phones
Geekbench Single Core
The higher, the better
Group* Best 6,570
This Phone 1,740
Group* Avg 1,658
Worst 211
*Group: 77-195k Phones

Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB GFXBench Score:

The GFXBench app is used to test the Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB for graphics (GPU) performance, with two key components: Manhattan and T-Rex. The Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB GFXBench Manhattan and T-Rex scores are 3,721.1 and 3,360.5, respectively.

GFXBench Tested by 91mobiles

GFXBench T-Rex
The higher, the better
Group* Best 6,792.0
Group* Avg 4,775.9
This Phone 3,360.5
Worst 3,284.0
*Group: 77-195k Phones
Graphics Performance (GFXBench)
The higher, the better
Group* Best 7,526.0
Group* Avg 5,134.4
This Phone 3,721.1
Worst 3,287.0
*Group: 77-195k Phones

Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB Specs

Key Specs

Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB
Apple A15 Bionic | 6 GBProcessor
12 MP + 12 MPRear Camera
12 MPFront Camera
4325 mAhBattery
6.7 inches (17.02 cm)Display
See Full Specs

Apple iPhone 14 Plus 256GB Prices