It Takes a Christmas Village

It Takes a Christmas Village

Movie |


  • :
  • Genre(s): TV Movie, Comedy, Romance
  • Language(s): English
  • Director(s): Corey Sevier
  • Cast(s): Brooke Nevin, Corey Sevier, Alli Chung, Ron Lea, Lynne Griffin See all Cast & Crew

It Takes a Christmas Village - Where to Stream?

Yay! The movie is available for streaming online and you can stream It Takes a Christmas Village movie on Plex. It is not available to buy/ rent online on any platforms right now.

It Takes a Christmas Village - Stream Online

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It Takes A Christmas Village - Cast

It Takes A Christmas Village - Crew

It Takes a Christmas Village - IMAGE GALLERY



When construction on Main Street threatens to put the town's shops out of business, mayor Alex Foster decides to throw a Christmas market to boost sales. Directed by Corey Sevier.



Reunites Lynne Griffin and Ron Lea who starred together in Wind at My Back (1996).

All the signs, road signs and print outs are written backwards. Like they thought they had to do it backwards for viewers to read it correctly. Very odd

The Mayor's character name is listed in the end credits as Alexandra Foster despite never once being referred to as Alexandra in the movie, she always referred to in the diminutive of Alex.