Raat Jaga Phool

Raat Jaga Phool

Movie |


  • :
  • Genre(s): Thriller
  • Language(s): বাংলা (Bengali)
  • Director(s): Mir Sabbir
  • Cast(s): Jannatul Ferdous Oishee, Mir Sabbir, Abu Hurayra Tanvir, Abul Hayat, Dilara Zaman See all Cast & Crew
  • Duration: 2h 4min
  • Music: Emon Chowdhury
  • Similar To: Beline, Dawshom Awbotaar
  • Story:

    A murder is committed in a village without any clue left behind. However, there is a man with an unnatural power of understanding animals and their language in the village. Directed by Mir Sabbir.

    Full Story

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Unfortunately, the movie Raat Jaga Phool is not available to stream/stream on any of the streaming platforms in India. It is not available to buy/ rent online on any platforms right now.

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Raat Jaga Phool - Cast

Raat Jaga Phool - Crew

Raat Jaga Phool - IMAGE GALLERY



A murder is committed in a village without any clue left behind. However, there is a man with an unnatural power of understanding animals and their language in the village. Directed by Mir Sabbir.



Popular actor Mir Sabbir's first directorial Debut in Cinema.

Shahed Shariar's Debut film.