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Blackberry Q10
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User Reviews for Blackberry Q10

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Blackberry Q10
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419 User Review(s)
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A 'Business Communications' Phone. Ignore the 'reviewers' who have not even used the phone, let alone bought it

When you have to write about 50 odd emails in a day, and your day comprises of being on the road almost everyday, you need a phone that you can type on, possibly even blindfolded!nnWho is this phone NOT for:nn1. If you use your phone primarily as a gaming device, this is NOT for you - a compelling case can be made for the iPhone for younn2. If you use your phone primarily as a camera, this is NOT for you - a compelling case can be made for the Nokia Lumia Series for you. Or you could buy pretty much any new Android phone and pair it with the Sony Qx10 or QX100 lens camera.nn3. If you use your phone primarily to watch videos or movies, this is NOT for you - a compelling case can be made possibly for the Note3 or a tablet like Nexus 7 which is small enough to fit into a pocket yet significantly bigger as a screen compared to a phonennWho is this phone for:nn1. If you do a LOT of typing on the move, your only real choice is the BB Q10 or the Z10/Z30. People who have 'reviewed' these phones without even picking up one will probably not know what I mean. But spend 7 days with any of these new BB phones and I promise you, any phone or tablet you use after this will be impossibly stupid.nn2. If you want a safe and secure communication channel, this phone is FOR you. Now that BBM has gone cross platform, this is an even more compelling argument as it is likely that your friends, unless they are using a WP, also have BBM. Then there is the added advantage of voice and video calls over BBM (presently available only for BB10 devices but likely to come to other platforms sometime next year). To put things in perspective, I have NEVER been able to do a video call on my Android phone over the Airtel network in Navi Mumbai. I have done tons of video calls over the same network using BBM.nnIf you would like a bigger screen, I would recommend the Z30. I know the screen can be an issue at times, especially when you might want to open a non-text attachment. However, purely as a communication device, I think Q10 pretty much nails it.nnWould I have liked it to be priced lower. Of course. Full disclosure, I bought it MUCH cheaper on my trip to the US.nnBut these low reviews are more of rants relating to pricing and not a reflection of the product itself. I can understand a user doing a cost-benefit analysis and coming to a certain conclusion. But most people here have only one argument to make - other phone makers have higher specs so this should be cheaper.nnThis is like telling someone buying a Mercedes C Class that they should buy a Tata Truck instead as that has a bigger engine for about the same price. While factually correct, it means little to the person looking to buy a car!

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One and Only

Hello,nnFirst of all i don't understand why people giving their reviews before buying the product.nn@Flipkart Please restrict the users (i.e) Only the customers who have bought the product have to submit their reviews. (Other's should not ).nnI own Q10 for more than 6 months now, its all about PERFECTION. It does its work in ease for what it bulit for.nnIf you guys expect Games, Camera, Big Screen Experience, Dozens of apps even when u don't use those all the times :) then this is phone is not for you, please stop reading this review and find some other devices.nnBut if you like physical keyboard then you are lucky :) Just buy this Beauty, there is only one in a kind. nnThings i do, nMails, (BBM, Whatsapp, Skype etc..), Video/Voice calls, and Browsing (THAT'S IT). nIt works perfectly but while browsing i face difficulties because of smaller screen but other than that nothing to complain, its awesome.nnThings i don't,nGamingnAnd all things which Android and Apple users expect :) ( I don't care about this section. )nnEverything is just one swipe away, within seconds you can navigate to whatever things you need and it is supreme fast.nnQ10 does its job just like that. Its all about, to choose the right device which SUITS US.nnDo you compare FERRARI with HONDA, only because of honda is having more market share!!!!! PLS :)

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102 users found this review helpful helpful?
Blackberry Kill yourself

Really aggressive pricing by blackberry. At their conference they told its going to be a cheap qwerty phone,but what the hell is this ? nnFYI - This is the most expensive mobile in india right now. Even more than iPhone 5 LOLnWe cant have a great multi media experience with this. nnI dont know how they thought they could sell this device in india.nnIf you are looking to buy BB for BBM,dont buy. Because BBM is coming to android and iOS.nnStay away from BB for now. Save yourself,dont waste your money.

52 users found this review helpful helpful?
dont compare this phone to android, windows or iOS phones

why are people comparing this phone to other brands? n1. Quad core processor and more RAM doesnt even begin to make sense.. this phone isnt for people who are into HD gaming... this is THE BEST COMMUNICATION DEVICE IN THE MARKETnn2.APPS- of course there are more apps for android, windows and iOS, again, this isnt an entertainment device or a lifestyle productnn3. Keyboard.. this phone currently has the best keypad on a phone.. nn4. Price - its a one of a kind product, if it is too expensive for you, go for the Q5.. how can you even compare it to an iphone?nnBOTTOM LINE: If you have never used BB, this aint for you, if you need games, this aint for you, if you want timepass apps, this aint for younBUT IF YOU NEED THE BEST PHONE FOR CALLS, MESSAGES, EMAILS AND CALENDARS , YOU WONT BE DISSAPOINTED

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It is sad that people jump to conclusion without slightest of knowledge or experience. None of the reviewers those who rated it a 1 star are trusted reviewers, i.e., none of them bought it before giving their OPINION. it is their utter frustration (i duono of what) that they have rated a wonderful device a 1 star. I believe None of them ever touched the fone before giving their EXPERT OPINION and writing a review. Cummon Man, life is too short to Hate.. You don't like it then you don't buy it but you don't have any right to misguide people. Sad!! Take control of that Hating psychology that has been growing inside you before it is too late, I am sure you will feel Good. nnI know about the device because I have been using it for the last few months. It is far ahead than what your biased mind could think of. It is Really Class Apart!!nn*I am not a certified buyer here but I bought this one from (you could very well cross check this). So my review is not just a review, it is my experience like all those certified buyers who have rated it 5 Star. nnSpread Love Not Lies & Hatred!nThank You :)

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