Criminal is a Punjabi thriller film, which follows a couple desperate for divorce as they end up staying locked up at home when some prison fugitives enter their house. Featuring Hrishabh Sharma, Neeru Bajwa, and Vikas Batra in lead roles, the movie is known for its brave climax scenes and splendid background music.
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Criminal is a Punjabi thriller film, which follows a couple desperate for divorce as they end up staying locked up at home when some prison fugitives enter their house. Featuring Hrishabh Sharma, Neeru Bajwa, and Vikas Batra in lead roles, the movie is known for its brave climax scenes and splendid background music.
Criminal is a Punjabi thriller film that revolves around seven criminals, five of whom are intruders in a house, and the other two are guilty of breaking a home. Prince Kanwaljit Singh plays the stellar role of a psychopath killer as the protagonist. The other characters are Raghveer Boli, who plays a serial rapist, Gurnav Deep Singh, Hrishab Sharma, and Sanjeev Kaler. The two criminals who are guilty of breaking a home, are played by Neeru Bajwa and Dheeraj Kumar. Neeru Bajwa is excellent in her performance especially since this is the first time she has tried her hand in the thriller genre. The director Garinder Sidhu and the writers Sarvjit Khera and Naveen Jethi are appreciated for creating an immersive thriller. The background score of the movie is also excellent. Overall, Criminal is a good Punjabi film that served the audience well on National Cinema Day.