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Nokia Lumia 510
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Rs 10,999
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Nokia Lumia 510
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₹ 10,999
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Best Phone Money can Buy under 10k!

I can see some really surprising comments from People who just love to post opinion since it's free plus our habitual nature to have a word regardless of the fact whether we are talking sense or just comforting our ego! :)nnNow Nokia Lumia 510 is the best at the price it is offered from the World's Top Company in Asia whom every Indian loves because everyone has owned one in their lifetime. So Right now it has following Pros which are truly remarkable in it's segment:nn1) It's a Nokia ( People using other brands would acknowledge this as a big advantage who have used a Nokia Phone in the Past)n2) It's under 10k which is VFMn3) It's a Windows 7.5 Smartphone which will get 7.8 Update and hence adds more features which are considered standard by many. People please use a Windows 7 phone and see how smoothly and effortlessly it works. Plus It's simple and beautiful. Techies would argue with Android but understand that Android needs some Good Processing and RAM to run smoothly. Symbian is old news so better to come to terms rather than whimper.n4) 4" Screen is Lovelyn5) It's much better than All the Gingerbread Android's, Nokia's own Asha Dumb Phones, All Chinese Stuff plus all Device's from Indian Companies who have reliability issues with respect to device build and overall Value.n6) IE 10 Browsing is Awesomen7) Office Appsn8) Rest all standard stuff as other Phone's like Bluetooth, 3G, GPS etc.nnCons:nn1) Agreed 2.2 GB for user is low but is it so low that People can't use it?n2) No Flash for Camera which User's can live with as even though it would have been great but sadly it's not there.n3) 256 MB RAM does limit the App Compatibility but it's worth the amount of Lag and Sluggish behavior of Phones in the Segment.nnAt the end of the Day I don't know why at this price point if We can get a quality product which is Brilliant for daily use why to complain and whine over petty issues? Can't we store 128 Kbps coded mp3's in large numbers or can't we store and upload pictures to Cloud Storage and Access it anywhere with relatively better 3G Plans? Oops I forgot another Habit that We have to complain & Bargain.nnIn the End I would say please think Wisely and see this 510! It's a value for money product that I am using and I am sure the moment you take the demo of this you will love to have it in your pocket! And 7.8 update will only add value for the future! Think Wisely and Buy Sensibly! Welcome Back Nokia and with a Bang!! :) nnCheers Friends,

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The Buyer's Guide In Black And White

I have been using this phone for nearly 20 days now, and after reading some of the blatantly biased reviews, have decided to write one myself. I shall only provide reasons as to why it is a good investment, and why not.n n BUY IF:n1. You want a large, reasonably sharp screen. n2. Lag drives you crazy. (WP7 is light years ahead of Android in this department).n3. You thrive on social media. (Deep integration of Facebook, only iOS 6 matches it).n4. You want excellent build quality (it is a Nokia, after all) and looks.n5. You want a visually pleasing and user-friendly OS.n6. You want MS Office for free (don't think an average user needs it, though).nn AVOID IF:n1. You are an app junkie. (WP has significantly less apps than Android or iOS).n2. You want a portable media center. (though 2.8 GB of media should be enough for normal people)n3. You don't own/frequently access a PC/Laptop. (All data is synced using Zune only).n4. Gaming enthusiast. (The processor/RAM can't handle most existing games).n5. Are anything more than a casual photographer (No LED flash, or 720p recording).nnHope this helps :)

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68 users found this review helpful helpful?
this review is just a clarification to some questions created by review of abhyk das

1. Nokia has promissed Bluetooth File transfer and receiving facility exclusive for its lumia windows phones, so no issues on that. for proof, go to nokia conversation blog, officialy run by nokia, and find the article as I can't share that here.n2. PC sync is not headach, its a cool thing, mass storage creates confusion while auto sync is helpful. Not having zune on other PC is a problem, but with a phone with such low memory, do u really think you will transfer media from different different pc's that frequently. I guess not, however, there r always alternatives available, I consider Skydrive as better way to share things, no cables, just login and upload.n3. u can actually delete any song or album from ur windows phone, just go to music+videos, open music, pan to album, longpress the album to delete and press delete, ar if u want to delete perticular song, pan right to songs, longpress the desired song and press delete. Though multiple item selection is missing but its not that big dealbreaker. and maybe we could see new features in next 7.8 abhyk must have used Nokia Music clint to browse music and tried deleating it, but if we see in reference of just windows os, nokia music is 3 party app, and for security, the os doesn't give permission to 3rd party apps to delete something. again we could see this feature in next nokia music update!nn4. unfortunately, wp7.5 doesn't have screenshot function, wp8 has, but 510 will not get wp8 update and only wp7.8 update, and I don't think screenshot function will be made available in that but again, not having a screenshot option can't make us ignore this phone coz in normal use, it is not that useful.nSwipe is now old thing, try windows phones predictions, I am sure u will forget swipe. Afterall who want to scratch the screen so much, just 3-5 taps for whole word is much easier.ncall recorder apps are available, one famous app is from Asleroid developer, try searching.n3rd party browsers are available, like india's famous UC Browser, surfcube3d brw., swift brw., Mini Browser, And Nokia is working on its own browser called 'Xpress' which is in beta and is available in nokia beta labs. Unfortunately, opera is missing, but mabe in future we could see that too, but IE9 on wp7 is best.nno comments on zip/rar files, if os can't download zip file, how could we think of it to open it. it is done by microsoft for security.n5. ya that's a real problem I also faced while downloading music from nokia music store. But solution for it is to put phone on charge as u can't use that until it finishes, but thankfully, if download got stopped, it resumes at that point, even if u switch off ur phone.n6. volume button does work if u locked ur phone, no need to unlock it, just use volume rocker to adjust volume. What's more, the music player remains on lock screen, just press lock button and press play, pause, next, previous whatever u want. this feature also works if u r streaming music by using any app.n8. you can delete individual item in call history, long pressing is the trick! And u can text anyone from there itself. tapping on any name will open its profile, from where u can call, sms, fb msg, tweet or email the person instantly, while instant calling can also be done by tapping call button provided in front of each name in call history.n9. Its not true, every possible customarize option is available, in settings> sounds+ringtone you can turn ring on/off, vibrate on/off and set ringtone for different notifications. to quickly turn phone silent, press volume rocker, and tap corner right button to put it on silent. (if vibrate is turned on in settings, ur phone will still vibrate in silent mode, if its off, ur phone will not vibrate in silent mode or in general mode) apps are available to quickly change settings from start screen.n10. yes u can't save contacts to sim but the contacts are automatically saved to ur live account and can be accessed anywhere and its safe and there are apps to backup them too. nYes u can't save msgs to pc but who wants that, do you? silly point again! grow up guys... nfor those who want msgs backup, maybe any app is available for that too "apps for everything!!!"nSource- I have a lumia 610 windows phone 7.5 tango, and I love it!nnhope u got my point, that this is an awesome phone. Only one suggestion, if u keep too much songs, pics in ur phone, ignore it coz it has less memory.nBUT IF U WANT A NICE BIG SCREEN PHONE and a good phone for browsing and social networking and u do not have big budget, simply click on 'buy now' button.nHappy Diwali! Happy new year! Enjoy shopping! :)

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62 users found this review helpful helpful?
I am in LOVE with LUMIA 510 ....awesome phn under 10k

From the last 1 week i was going through the reviews of LUMIA 510 again n again on flipkart and finally i bought this phn on 15/11/12.....and yes this phn has lived upto my expectations....the feeling of typing on a 4 inch awesome,with its hardware limitation....this phn never lags...its buttery smooth with highly sensitive touch screen,the camera is decent with autofocus, battery back up is also cool.....many of my friends were telling to go for SAMSUNG andriod why windows??.....but finally i bought this phn coz u will never get a phone with 5 megapixel camera,with 4 inch screen under 10 k...but nokia makes it possible for u.....and according to me window 7.5 is far better and more colourful than cheap androids which u will get under me....LUMIA 510 will give u a new style statement.......dont think... go for it :) :)

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48 users found this review helpful helpful?

I own a lumia 610 which has almost same specs as of lumia510. I alwaya wanted screen to be bigger and guess what 510 has it. But bad part, 510 has just 4gb memory. I not at all like this step, and the fact that they r charging 10k for it. a little more low price could make it stealer. anyway, this phone is only for social centric people and for those who browse too much but do not want costly big screen phones but do want that experience. If u r not much into taking pics and keeping too much midia in ur pocket, then this is best for u. all things r great in this phone. Nokia Navigation has proved its suprimacy and this phone has it. Nokia music is companion for low memory with live music streaming via mix radio, though one has to pay for it but it could be enjoyed for thtee months for free atleast. windows phone is best for facebook twitter addicts. Great apps from wp store ant a lot more fun with live tile. its a perfect refresh for people bored with junky droids and want to try something new and colourfull. Don't think much, buy it and #switchtolumia nGiving 4 stars as phone is too cool. removing 1 for less storage and high price.nnHappy Halloween! Happy Diwali! Enjoy Shopping!nAnd flipkart, you r great, delivering items so soon, so perfectly.nThank you for reading, Hope it will help.

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