A Malayalam film titled Valatty: Tale Of Tails was released on May 5, 2023. Sanju Sanichen and Kalesh Kalakkodu played the main protagonists in the Devan-directed film.
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A Malayalam film titled Valatty: Tale Of Tails was released on May 5, 2023. Sanju Sanichen and Kalesh Kalakkodu played the main protagonists in the Devan-directed film.
An upcoming Malayalam drama film called Valatty would star Kalesh Kalakkodu and Sanju Sanichen. Devan was the film's director. Here you can discover the Valatty movie OTT Platform, digital rights for streaming online, the Valatty Movie OTT release date, and the Valatty Satellite rights to a TV Channel. The Malayalam movie Valatty Movie, which is slated for release in India, was made by Vijay Babu under the production company Friday Film Presents. IMDb states that once a movie is released, viewers will evaluate it and give it a rating on a scale of 1 to 10. It's anticipated that more than 60% of viewers would enjoy the movie. Release of Valatty is anticipated on May 5, 2023. Varun Sunil wrote the music for the Valatty movie, which will be released in all Indian theatres. The Valatty movie will undoubtedly be purchased by the OTT Platform for internet streaming. It is believed that this movie is hilarious, and focuses on a growing pack of adopted dogs.
The film has real dogs starring in it and does not use CGI.