"Viduthalai: Part 1" is a gripping Tamil-language crime thriller directed by Vetrimaaran. The film revolves around the Tamilar Makkal Padai, an extremist group responsible for a train accident as a protest against a mining project. Kumaresan, a newly recruited constable, gets involved in "Operation Ghosthunt" to capture the group's leader, Perumal. As Kumaresan delves deeper into the complex alliances and conflicts between the group and the government, he realizes the true intentions behind their actions. The film explores themes of bureaucracy, police brutality, and the moral dilemmas faced by Kumaresan. With excellent performances from the cast, especially Vijay Sethupathi and Soori, and Vetrimaaran's skillful direction, "Viduthalai: Part 1" keeps the audience engaged throughout. The film received critical acclaim for its gripping storyline, compelling performances, and Vetrimaaran's directorial prowess.
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"Viduthalai: Part 1" is a gripping Tamil-language crime thriller directed by Vetrimaaran. The film revolves around the Tamilar Makkal Padai, an extremist group responsible for a train accident as a protest against a mining project. Kumaresan, a newly recruited constable, gets involved in "Operation Ghosthunt" to capture the group's leader, Perumal. As Kumaresan delves deeper into the complex alliances and conflicts between the group and the government, he realizes the true intentions behind their actions. The film explores themes of bureaucracy, police brutality, and the moral dilemmas faced by Kumaresan. With excellent performances from the cast, especially Vijay Sethupathi and Soori, and Vetrimaaran's skillful direction, "Viduthalai: Part 1" keeps the audience engaged throughout. The film received critical acclaim for its gripping storyline, compelling performances, and Vetrimaaran's directorial prowess.
IMDbIn "Viduthalai: Part 1," Kumaresan, a newly recruited constable, gets entangled in "Operation Ghosthunt" to capture the leader of an extremist group. As he delves deeper, he uncovers the group's true intentions. The film explores bureaucracy, police brutality, and moral dilemmas.
Best Film | 2023 | Vetrimaran
Best Actor | 2024 | Soori
Best Director | 2024 | Vetrimaran
Best Actress | 2024 | Bhavani Sre
It's inspired from a poem of Lyrist Na.Muthukumar.