Home Features Comparison Samsung Galaxy M55 vs Honor X9b performance comparison: which phone offers superior performance?

Samsung Galaxy M55 vs Honor X9b performance comparison: which phone offers superior performance?

Here's a performance comparison between the Samsung Galaxy M55 and the Honor X9b to find out which smartphone offers better performance at its price. 

We recently conducted a battery comparison between the Samsung Galaxy M55 and the Honor X9b to find out which smartphone offers better battery life. Today, we'll be comparing the performance of both smartphones to gauge which device offers a superior performance output for its price. Check out the results below:

Here are the key specifications of both smartphones:

Table of Contents

SmartphoneSamsung Galaxy M55Honor X9b
ProcessorSnapdragon 7 Gen 1 SoCSnapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC
GraphicsQualcomm Adreno 644 GPUQualcomm Adreno 710 GPU
MemoryUp to 12GB of RAM, 256GB of storageUp to 12GB of RAM, 256GB of storage


The Geekbench CPU test helps gauge the CPU performance of a smartphone. The Samsung Galaxy M55 registered a 1020 in the single-core test and 2529 in the multi-core test, while the Honor X9b clocked 948 in the single-core test and 2764 in the multi-core test. The Galaxy M55 offers marginally better single-core performance which helps in tasks like gaming and web browsing, while the Honor X9b offers better multi-core performance, suitable for tasks like multitasking, video editing, recording etc. 

Winner: Tied


The AnTuTu benchmark evaluates the overall performance of a smartphone and scores it across a variety of metrics such as CPU, GPU, Memory and User experience. The Samsung Galaxy M55 scored 5,84,312 in the AnTuTu test while the Honor X9b registered a score of 4,94,241. The Galaxy M55 performs significantly better in aspects like GPU performance compared to the Honor X9b, which gives it an edge in graphically intensive tasks. 

Winner: Samsung Galaxy M55  

Throttling test

To test the smartphone's performance under throttling, we ran Burnout benchmark on both devices. The Samsung Galaxy M55 showcased a performance output of 67.3 percent under throttling while the Honor X9b showcased a performance output of 80.4 percent in comparison. The Honor X9b should offer better performance under extreme stress. 

Samsung Galaxy M55 (L) vs Honor X9b (R)

Winner: Honor X9b

Gaming test

For the gaming test, we played Call of Duty: Mobile on both devices for roughly 30 minutes each, at similar graphical settings. The Samsung Galaxy M55 is the better gaming smartphone as it supports a higher resolution level compared to Honor X9b, which improves the gaming experience. The Galaxy M55 also offers marginally better thermal performance, and registered a temperature rise of 8 degrees C compared to almost 9 degrees C on the Honor X9b during the gaming session. 

Winner: Samsung Galaxy M55


Our performance comparison revealed a close contest. The Samsung Galaxy M55 offered better performance in AnTuTu and gaming tests, while the Honor X9b demonstrated better performance under stress and slightly better multi-core performance. In the end, the Samsung Galaxy M55 secured a victory thanks to its superior real-world performance and thermal management. If performance is a priority for you, the Galaxy M55 is the better choice. 

You can check out our comprehensive reviews for the Samsung Galaxy M55 (review) and the Honor X9b (review)  to learn more about the smartphones. 

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