Realme is all set to debut its entry-level smartphone, the Realme C30, in India on June 20th. We can confirm that the company is working on another entry-level handset, the Realme Narzo 50i Prime. We have exclusively learned from the tipster Steve Hemmerstoffer aka onleaks about the Realme Narzo 50i Prime’s price, launch date, key specifications and colour options.
The phone is tipped to be priced under USD 100 (Approx. Rs 7,800) and will be this year’s most affordable Realme phone. With this price tag, Realme is aggressively targeting the entry-level smartphone segment. Let’s take a look at what the Realme Narzo 50i Prime has in store for us.
Realme Narzo 50i Prime design
Realme Narzo 50i Prime houses a square camera island on the back that features a circular single camera shooter, LED flash, and Narzo branding. The rear panel has a textured finish with vertical strips design. Realme Narzo 50i Prime flaunts a thin bezel display apart from a thick chin at the bottom and a waterdrop notch for the selfie camera. The right side of the Realme Narzo 50i Prime is home to a volume rocker and a power button, and on the left, we get a SIM tray.
Realme Narzo 50i Prime price, launch date
Realme Narzo 50i Prime will launch before the end of this month and soon after the Realme C30’s debut. It will be unveiled on June 22th and come in two colour options – Black and Green. Realme Narzo 50i Prime will retail under USD 100 (Approx. Rs 7,800) entry-level segment. The tipster also suggests that Realme Narzo 50i Prime will be the most affordable smartphone from the company this year.
Realme Narzo 50i Prime specifications
Realme Narzo 50i Prime has a single rear camera snapper and a selfie shooter tucked in a waterdrop notch at the front. A 5,000mAh battery will keep the lights on. The complete specifications of the Realme Narzo 50i Prime are still under wraps, but we expect to learn more about it in the upcoming days.