Google Maps will now show your vehicle’s speed during navigation

“Google Maps speedometer feature also warns users’ if they are exceeding the speed limit”

Google Maps recently gained new speed limit indication and speed camera alerts, two features borrowed from Waze platform that it acquired. Now, Google Maps is getting the ability to display speedometer on the navigation screen. This new setting, which can be enabled from the navigation settings in Maps, displays the vehicle speed at the bottom left corner of the screen. Unfortunately, the feature reportedly doesn’t seem to be working with Android Auto yet.

Google Maps

Furthermore, the app also warns users’ if they are exceeding the speed limit, making it a useful and practical feature to have. However, the speedometer is being rolled out in batches from the server-side. It seems to be fully available in the US, Belgium, the UK and Brazil currently, but it shouldn’t be long before it is rolled out to other markets as well. 

Separately, Google recently rolled out three new India-specific features to Maps app in India, including the ability to check trains routes and their real-time status directly within the app. It also shows bus travel times in the ten largest cities in the country and mixed-mode commute suggestions that combine auto-rickshaw and public transport. For bus travel times, the Mountain View giant is using the combination of live traffic data and bus schedules to estimate any delays.

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