Anastasia: Once Upon a Time

Anastasia: Once Upon a Time

Movie |

Time Travel

  • Duration: 1h 29min
  • Music: Nami Melumad,Jeremy Rubolino
  • Similar To: Wish, Mikolo
  • Story:

    Anastasia Romanov escapes through a portal when her family is threatened by Vladimir Lenin, and she finds herself in the year 1988, befriended by a young American girl. Directed by Blake Harris. Starring Brandon Routh, Emily Carey, Amiah Miller in the prominent roles.

    Full Story

Anastasia: Once Upon a Time - Where to Stream?

Yay! The movie is available for streaming online and you can stream Anastasia: Once Upon a Time movie on Netflix, Tubitv. It is not available to buy/ rent online on any platforms right now.

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Videos: Trailers, Teasers, Featurettes

Anastasia: Once Upon A Time - Cast

Anastasia: Once Upon A Time - Crew

Anastasia: Once Upon a Time - IMAGE GALLERY



Anastasia Romanov escapes through a portal when her family is threatened by Vladimir Lenin, and she finds herself in the year 1988, befriended by a young American girl. Directed by Blake Harris. Starring Brandon Routh, Emily Carey, Amiah Miller in the prominent roles.



Kendall Vertes's film debut.

Popular Dialogues

"Tsar Nicholas: We must always stand for what is right, no matter the times."

"Lenin: For peace, land and power!"