Anandhapurathu Veedu

Anandhapurathu Veedu


  • Similar To: Nenjuku Needhi, Penguin
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    Anandhapurathu Veedu is a 2010 Indian Tamil supernatural mystery film directed by Tamil television director Naga, who has directed serials like Marmadesam, Vidathu Karuppu and Chidambara Rahasiyam. This film, Naga's feature film debut, stars Nandha and Chaya Singh in lead roles along with child artist Aryan, making his debut. Written by Naga, Sharath Haridasan and Indra Soundar Rajan and produced by director S. Shankar's S Pictures, Anandhapurathu Veedu was released on 9 July 2010
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Anandhapurathu Veedu - Where to Stream?

Yay! The movie is available for streaming online and you can stream Anandhapurathu Veedu movie on SunNxt. It is not available to buy/ rent online on any platforms right now.

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Anandhapurathu Veedu - Cast

Anandhapurathu Veedu - Crew

Anandhapurathu Veedu - IMAGE GALLERY


Anandhapurathu Veedu is a 2010 Indian Tamil supernatural mystery film directed by Tamil television director Naga, who has directed serials like Marmadesam, Vidathu Karuppu and Chidambara Rahasiyam. This film, Naga's feature film debut, stars Nandha and Chaya Singh in lead roles along with child artist Aryan, making his debut. Written by Naga, Sharath Haridasan and Indra Soundar Rajan and produced by director S. Shankar's S Pictures, Anandhapurathu Veedu was released on 9 July 2010



The story has good ghosts of dead parents helping the son & his family. Film speaks about the benefits of elders in a family unit