


  • :
  • Genre(s): Comedy
  • Language(s): English
  • Cast(s): Om Puri, Sheena Bajaj, Sheena Bajaj Purohit, Manish Chaudhary, Rohan Mehra See all Cast & Crew
  • Duration: 2h
  • Similar To: IF, Half Baked: Totally High
  • Story:

    Ram, Anil, Vikram, Salmaan and Deenbandhu are the rebellious brats of suburban Delhi NCR, with the world at their feet and nothing to worry they stomp everything in their path without knowing the consequences, but challenge lay ahead when all of them are put in a totally new world of convent school, here they survive and thrive only to find love. But one night they encounter a horrifying event which puts them in the hands of law. Their lives change forever, they have to fight for justice and moral integrity to make an example for the world.

    Full Story

Uvaa - Where to Stream?

Yay! The movie is available for streaming online and you can stream Uvaa movie on Jio, ShemarooMe, Vi Movies and TV, YuppTV. It is not available to buy/ rent online on any platforms right now.

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Uvaa - Cast




Ram, Anil, Vikram, Salmaan and Deenbandhu are the rebellious brats of suburban Delhi NCR, with the world at their feet and nothing to worry they stomp everything in their path without knowing the consequences, but challenge lay ahead when all of them are put in a totally new world of convent school, here they survive and thrive only to find love. But one night they encounter a horrifying event which puts them in the hands of law. Their lives change forever, they have to fight for justice and moral integrity to make an example for the world.



The film did not have a theatrical release in British Columbia, Canada.