How to download voter slip online on mobile phone and laptop/ PC

If you are stepping out to vote, keeping your voter slip, also known as the voter information slip, at hand could streamline the voting process and even help you skip queues. Issued by the Election Commission of India (ECI), the slip contains information about your polling station, date, and more. The voter slip can be downloaded online via the ECI’s official website. If you are wondering ‘how?’, we’ve got you covered. Read on to find out how to download your voter slip online, its use cases, and more.

Steps to download voter slip online

Since you can download a voter slip through a web browser, the process will be the same on a mobile phone, laptop/PC.

Step 1: Go to the Voters’ Service Portal

Voter Slip

Step 2: Tap on the ‘Search in Electoral Roll’ option in the top right corner.

Step 3: Choose from one of the following — ‘Search by Details’, ‘Search by EPIC’ or ‘Search by Mobile’.

Step 4: Whichever option you select, enter the required information and captcha on the screen. In the case of the ‘Search by Mobile’ option, you will have to submit an OTP you receive on your phone.

Voter Slip

Step 5: Tap on the ‘Search’ option.

Step 6: Tap on ‘View Details’ under the ‘Action’ column.

Voter Slip
Step 7: Your details will appear on the screen like assembly constituency and polling station address. Check if your personal details are right and the rest is fine.

Voter Slip 3

Step 7: At the bottom, you will get a blue-coloured Print button. Tap on it to download a PDF file of your voter slip.

Voter Slip 4

What does a voter slip look like?

  • A physical voter slip is slightly different from an online copy. It is half of an A4 size paper or about 6 or 8 inches in size.
Voter Information Slip
  • Its front side consists of voter’s details and polling station-related details.
  • The front side of the physical VIS also has a QR code scanning which lets you check voter details with the ‘Booth App’ or ‘Voter Helpline App’.
Voter Information Slip
  • On the back of the physical voter slip, there will be a map of the polling station location and some dos and don’ts for the voter. This helps the voter fulfil their civil duty responsibly.

Voter slip contents

You get the following information on voter slip:

  • Voter’s name
  • Voter’s relative’s name
  • Voter’s age
  • Voter’s gender
  • EPIC number/Voter number
  • Parliamentary constituency number
  • Polling station address
  • Polling station Part Number and Part Name
  • Polling date

Voter slip uses

  • Voter slip includes information related to the place, date, and time of voting. These details can help you find your polling station and go vote
  • Since it is issued by the Election Commission of India (ECI), it acts as proof to show you are a valid voter.
Voter Slip download
  • In case of an offline voter slip, you could also find dos and don’ts as a voter.
  • When voters are sure of where they have to go to vote and what they have to do, this increases the flow of voters to the polling booth.
  • When voters have access to a voter slip in advance, they can plan the voting day better and carry out their civic duty.
  • This also helps avoid confusion and duplicate voting. So it helps the ECI enforce a transparent voting process.
Remember the voter slip is just for ease of convenience. You can still cast a vote without this slip


Where is the EPIC number on a Voter ID card?

EPIC stands for and it is the same as Voter ID card number. It is a 10-digit alphanumeric number on the top-left portion of the Voter ID card’s front. It can also be found on the top-right corner of the Voter ID card. You can use it to download the voter slip.

Is the voter slip the same as the Voter ID card?

No, a voter slip is a guiding manual for the voters issued by the ECI. A Voter ID card, on the other hand, is an identification proof for Indian citizens above the age of 18 years that shows they are eligible to cast a vote.