Avatara Purusha 2

Avatara Purusha 2 (UA-13+)

Movie |

Black Magic | Mother Child Separation

  • Duration: 1h 59min
  • Music: Abhinandan Kashyap
  • Similar To: Bhajarangi 2, Anna Bond
  • Story:

    In a battle of mantras, Dharka and Brahma vie for the Trishanku Mani. But when Jois is found dead, the disturbed Ashta Dhigbandana alerts Dharka to the stone`s presence in the house. Now, a junior artist posing as the long-lost son must fight to save the family from the real son`s dark magic

    Full Story

Avatara Purusha 2 - Where to Stream?

Yay! The movie is available for streaming online and you can stream Avatara Purusha 2 movie on Prime Video. It is not available to buy online on any platforms right now. You can also rent the movie Avatara Purusha 2 on Prime Video starting from Rs 279.

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Videos: Trailers, Teasers, Featurettes

Avatara Purusha 2 - Cast

Avatara Purusha 2 - Crew

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In a battle of mantras, Dharka and Brahma vie for the Trishanku Mani. But when Jois is found dead, the disturbed Ashta Dhigbandana alerts Dharka to the stone`s presence in the house. Now, a junior artist posing as the long-lost son must fight to save the family from the real son`s dark magic