Poker Face

Poker Face


  • Duration: 2h
  • Similar To: Midnight in the Switchgrass, Gasoline Alley
  • Story:

    Crowe plays Jake, a tech billionaire who gathers his childhood friends to his Miami estate for what turns into a high stakes game of poker. Those friends have a love hate relationship with the host, a master game-player/planner, and he has concocted an elaborate scheme designed to bring a certain justice to all of them. However, Jake finds himself re-thinking his strategy when his Miami mansion is overtaken by a dangerous home invader whose previous jobs have all ended in murder and arson.

    Full Story

Poker Face - Where to Stream?

Yay! The movie is available for streaming online and you can stream Poker Face movie on Lionsgate Play. It is not available to buy/ rent online on any platforms right now.

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Videos: Trailers, Teasers, Featurettes

Poker Face - Cast

Poker Face - Crew



Crowe plays Jake, a tech billionaire who gathers his childhood friends to his Miami estate for what turns into a high stakes game of poker. Those friends have a love hate relationship with the host, a master game-player/planner, and he has concocted an elaborate scheme designed to bring a certain justice to all of them. However, Jake finds himself re-thinking his strategy when his Miami mansion is overtaken by a dangerous home invader whose previous jobs have all ended in murder and arson.






This movie stars Elsa Pataky and Liam Hemsworth. In real life they are brothers-in-law: Elsa is married to Chris Hemsworth.

The sci-fi thriller The Invisible Man (2020) was also set in a tech billionaire's home filmed in Kiama, Australia.

Reunites Russell Crowe with Jack Thompson after The Sum of Us (1994). It would be the third movie together if counting the 2005 canceled movie "Eucalyptus", based on the 1998 novel written by Murray Bail.

Reunites Russell Crowe with Jacqueline McKenzie after Romper Stomper (1992) and The Water Diviner (2014).

Popular Dialogues

"Jake: Maximize your wins, minimize your losses... and stay in the game as long as you can."