Home Features The Sims 4 cheats: Full list of Sims 4 cheat codes for PC, PS4, Xbox consoles, and mobile

The Sims 4 cheats: Full list of Sims 4 cheat codes for PC, PS4, Xbox consoles, and mobile

Check out The Sims 4 cheats and how you can use them to improve your experience.

The Sims 4 cheat codes offer major benefits to PC, PS4, Xbox consoles, and mobile phone gamers. With these codes, players don't need to grind through the game to unlock certain actions, items, and more, making their gaming experience more enjoyable. Additionally, the Sims 4 cheats can also be used for premium DLCs, including High School Years and Werewolves, which make this free-to-play life simulation game more enjoyable. On that note, here's a list of Sims 4 cheat codes for PC, PS4, Xbox, and mobile phones and a guide on how to use them.

Table of Contents

The Sims 4 cheats for money

The Sims 4 cheats for skills and live

There are Sims 4 cheats that will help you improve your skills instantly. You can use stats.set_skill_level_[Skill Name] [#] and replace ‘#' with 1 to 10 to change your Sim's skill level as well as replace ‘Skill name' with the following:

The Sims 4 cheat codes for Sim child

Use these cheat codes to boost the skill level of a Sim child.

The following cheats will grant immortality or turn you into a ghost:

These Sims 4 cheats help fulfil the needs of your Sim:

The Sims 4 relationship cheats

The Sims 4 world and UI cheats

The Sims 4 building and items cheats

The Sims 4 Highschool Years cheats

These cheats will work with The Sims 4 Highschool Years DLC and get your Sim graduated, kicked out, or dropped out of school. You can use traits.equip_trait [trait] cheat and replace the ‘trait' with the following:

Here are the Sim 4 cheat codes for promotion and demotion in various fields in highschool:

There are cheat codes to change and modify relationships as well in Sim 4:

You can use traits.remove_trait to get rid of any trait cheat in The Sims 4.

The Sims 4 Get to Work cheats

After creating and adding a new sim to the neighbourhood, use these cheat codes to bump up their after hiring them for your store:

Here are the codes to activate the perks of every sim in your house:

The Sims 4 Werewolf cheats

With the Werewolves DLC, you can get werewolf traits and temperaments using cheats. However, you need to use traits.equip_trait trait_occultwerewolf to get the Werewolf trait. As for temperament, enter traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf_Temperaments_[temperament] and replace the ‘temperament' with the cheats listed below:

The Sims 4 seasons cheats

You can change seasons in The Sims 4 using the seasons.set_season [#] and replacing ‘#' with one of the following numbers:

Besides these, you can use seasons.advance_season to move forward by one season.

The Sims 4 killing and unkilling cheats

Besides these, you can use trait specific cheats to turn your Sim into a ghost a particular type of death. Enter traits.equip_trait [trait] and replace the ‘trait' with the following:

The Sims 4 career cheats

You can enter careers.add_career [career], careers.promote [career], careers.remove [career], and careers.retire [career] to add, promote, remove, and retire, respectively. Replace ‘career' in the cheat with the option given below:

The Sims 4 Vampires cheats

Here are vampire-related Sims 4 cheat codes:

The Sims 4 Cats and Dogs Cheats

Use these cheats for gaining Vet clinic perks:

The Sims 4 Dine Out Cheats

If you own a restaurant, every sim in your household can benefit from the cheats given below:

The Sims 4 Parenthood Cheats

Here are several parenthood cheat codes in Sims 4:

Also Read


1. How to turn on The Sims 4 cheats

Cheat codes can be enabled by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C on PC or Command + Shift + C on Mac. PlayStation and Xbox console users need to hold down all four shoulder buttons on their controller simultaneously to access the cheat codes. Type testingcheats in the box that pops up to access shift-click cheats.

2. How to use The Sims 4 cheat codes?

To use The Sims 4 cheat codes, open the cheat console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C on PC or Command + Shift + C on Mac. On PlayStation and Xbox consoles, hold down all four shoulder buttons on your controller simultaneously to access the cheat console. Now, you can enter the cheats listed above to use them.

3. How to Unlock All Items in The Sims 4?

You can enter bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement and bb.showhiddenobjects in The Sims 4 cheat console to unlock all items in the game.

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