Mater and the Ghostlight

Mater and the Ghostlight

Movie |

Tow Truck | Ghost

  • Duration: 7min
  • Music: Bruno Coon
  • Similar To: Trick or Treat Scooby-Doo!, Toy Story of Terror!
  • Story:
    Mater, the rusty but trusty tow truck from Cars, spends a day in Radiator Springs playing scary pranks on his fellow townsfolk. That night at Flo's V8 Café, the Sheriff tells the story of the legend of the Ghostlight, and as everyone races home Mater is left alone primed for a good old-fashioned scare.
    Full Story

Mater and the Ghostlight - Where to Stream?

Yay! The movie is available for streaming online and you can stream Mater and the Ghostlight movie on Hotstar. It is not available to buy/ rent online on any platforms right now.

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Videos: Trailers, Teasers, Featurettes

Mater And The Ghostlight - Cast

Mater And The Ghostlight - Crew


Mater, the rusty but trusty tow truck from Cars, spends a day in Radiator Springs playing scary pranks on his fellow townsfolk. That night at Flo's V8 Café, the Sheriff tells the story of the legend of the Ghostlight, and as everyone races home Mater is left alone primed for a good old-fashioned scare.





The final film (voice) project for Paul Newman.

Although the "ghostlight" in this film is referenced in Cars (2006), this short does not take place "in the middle" of that film (that is, a "previously unseen moment"), but at an undetermined time afterward. This is evident in that Mack, Lightning's transport truck, is present (but has no lines).

This animated short film is included as an extra on the DVD of Cars (2006).

When the Sheriff mentions "the hot breath of Zozobra" he is talking about Zozobra ("Old Man Gloom") the giant marionette effigy that is burned every autumn during Fiestas de Santa Fe in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Luigi, Mack, Guido, Fillmore, Flo, And Lizzie have no dialogue throughout the entire short.

Popular Dialogues

"Sheriff: You see son, the only thing to be scared of out here is your imagination. Doc Hudson: Yep. That, and of course, the Screaming Banshee. Well, good night! All cars: Good night! [All drive off, except Mater, then all lights shut off] Tow Mater: The screaming what? [shakes]"

"Lightning McQueen: Gosh it sure is a nice night. Sally Carrera: It sure is a nice night. Lightning McQueen: I sure hope Mater isn't waiting around anywhere to scare me, because I'll freak out. [Mater jumps down and scares McQueen] Lightning McQueen: AHHHH!"