91mobiles had exclusively shared the Vivo X70 Pro renders, showing the entire design in full glory ahead of the expected launch in September. Now, while we wait for the announcement, the Vivo X70 and Vivo X70 Pro+ renders have surfaced online, courtesy of MySmartPrice and Pricebaba in association with Steve Hemmerstoffer aka OnLeaks. The design of both phones is largely identical to the X70 Pro. They come with a punch-hole cutout placed in the centre, a large module on the back to house multiple camera sensors, an in-display fingerprint sensor for security and curved edges. Here’s a closer look at the Vivo X70 and Vivo X70 Pro+ design and more.
Vivo X70 design
The Vivo X70 design is similar to the Vivo X70 Pro. It has a punch-hole cutout on the centre to accommodate the selfie snapper. The volume rocker and power button are on the right side of the frame. There is a USB Type-C port, speaker grille, microphone and SIM card tray at the bottom. What looks like microphones are on the top. Unfortunately, the standard Vivo X70 doesn’t have a 3.5mm audio jack. The Vivo X70 has triple cameras on the back placed in a rectangular module alongside triple LED flashes and Zeiss optics. The phone seems to have an aluminium frame with antenna bands. The phone can be seen in shades of Blue and Green. It doesn’t seem to have curved edges as the display is flat. The Vivo X70 is said to measure 158.5 x 73.4 x 8mm, with a thickness of 10.6mm around the camera.
Vivo X70 Pro+ design
The Vivo X70 Pro+ has a curved screen, ultra-slim bezels and a centre-aligned punch-hole cutout for the selfie snapper. It may come with an in-display fingerprint sensor for security. The phone has a massive module on the back that covers a third of the back panel. It has quad-camera sensors, an LED flash, a laser autofocus unit and Zeiss optics. The volume rocker and power button are on the right spine. While the USB Type-C port, speaker grille, microphone and SIM card tray are at the bottom. The device is said to measure 164.8 x 75.5 x 9mm, with a thickness of 11.3mm around the camera bump.
Vivo X70 and X70 Pro+ specifications
Vivo X70 is said to sport a flat 6.5-inch display, with thin bezels around the screen and probably an in-display fingerprint sensor. We can speculate the phone will have an FHD+ resolution. While the Vivo X70 Pro+ is tipped to flaunt a slightly bigger 6.7-inch display, which is bigger than the Vivo X70 Pro that is tipped to sport a 6.5-inch display with curved edges. While the Vivo X70 and X70 Pro are expected to be powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 1200 SoC, the X70 Pro+ is tipped to come with the Snapdragon 888 5G SoC.