Morning Glory

Morning Glory


  • :
  • Genre(s): Comedy, Drama, Romance
  • Language(s): English
  • Director(s): Roger Michell, Mary Bailey
  • Cast(s): Harrison Ford, Patrick Wilson, Jeff Goldblum, Diane Keaton, 50 Cent See all Cast & Crew
  • Duration: 1h 42min
  • Music: David Arnold,Lisa Jaime,Graham Sutton
  • Award(s): Yoga 2012 (Won)
    Movies for Grownups 2011 (Nominated) Awards List
  • Similar To: (500) Days of Summer, New York, I Love You
  • Story:
    A young and devoted morning television producer is hired as an executive producer on a long-running morning show at a once-prominent but currently failing station in New York City. Eager to keep the show on air, she recruits a former news journalist and anchor who disapproves of co-hosting a show that does not deal with real news stories.
    Full Story

Morning Glory - Where to Stream?

Yay! The movie is available for streaming online and you can stream Morning Glory movie on Netflix, Tubitv. It is not available to buy online on any platforms right now. You can also rent the movie Morning Glory on Prime Video starting from Rs 75.

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Videos: Trailers, Teasers, Featurettes

Morning Glory - Cast

Morning Glory - Crew


A young and devoted morning television producer is hired as an executive producer on a long-running morning show at a once-prominent but currently failing station in New York City. Eager to keep the show on air, she recruits a former news journalist and anchor who disapproves of co-hosting a show that does not deal with real news stories.




Yoga Award

Worst Foreign Actor For and | 2012 | Harrison

Worst Foreign Actor | 2012 | Harrison

Movies for Grownups Award

Best Supporting Actress | 2011 | Diane

Artios Award

Outstanding Achievement in Casting Big Budget Feature Comedy | 2011 | Ellen

PFCS Award

Best Original Song | 2010 | Natasha


Budget 40,000,000 USD

Box Office Collection 60,040,976 USD



Rachel McAdams initially was not keen on making the film - a comedy - as she felt she was unsuited to being funny. Director Roger Michell took her out for dinner several times to convince her otherwise.

Despite being Hollywood veterans, Diane Keaton and Harrison Ford had never met prior to making the film.

As of the release of the movie, Don Roy King, who plays the director of DayBreak, is the actual director of NBC's Saturday Night Live (1975) and Robert Caminiti, who plays the assistant director of DayBreak, is the actual assistant director of "Saturday Night Live".

Diane Keaton's first day on set saw her dressed up in a Sumo wrestler's outfit.

Harrison Ford was first choice to play the irascible Mike Pomeroy from the outset.

Popular Dialogues

"Mike Pomeroy: Nobody really cares that I can do this job, but... but I can. I wanted you to see that. Becky Fuller: That was a great story, Mike. That was... that was better than a great story, that was great television. I mean, that was bran with a donut. A bran donut. Mike Pomeroy: I've got a grandkid. Did you know that? Alexander. I haven't seen him since I got fired. I was embarrassed... after all I'd accomplished. And then to... come back to the news... this way. The truth is, I'd... I'd screwed up with my kids way before I got canned. Anyway, I was never at home and... when I was, I took every phone call, watching TV out of the corner of my eye. Why am I telling you this? You're worse than I am. You'd sleep at the office if you could. Let me tell you how it turns out. You end up with... with nothing. Nothing. Which is... which is what I had. 'Till you came along. Becky Fuller: Wait a second. Did you just say something nice to me? Mike Pomeroy: I told you I could banter."

"Becky's Mom: Did you get any severance? Becky Fuller: Uh... there were some budgetary cuts last year, so they weren't really offering. But I have feelers out. Lots. Becky's Mom: Yeah, great. Honey, you think "The Today Show" is gonna call you up and hand you a job, and you have since you were eight, and it's not gonna happen. Becky Fuller: I don't... I know that, I do. I get it. Becky's Mom: This is partly my fault. I... I let your father get your hopes up. He was not a happy person, let's face it. When he saw you aim high, he started to feel better about himself, so I never said anything. Becky Fuller: What are you saying? Becky's Mom: You had a dream, you know? Great. When you were eight, it was adorable. When you were 18, it was inspiring. At 28, it's officially embarrassing. And I just want you to stop before we get to "heartbreaking"."