Home Features Apex Legends Mobile: Best legends in Apex Legends Mobile and their abilities

Apex Legends Mobile: Best legends in Apex Legends Mobile and their abilities

If you are new to Apex Legends, then here’s what you need to know about the characters in Apex Legends Mobile and their abilities.

Apex Legends Mobile has finally been launched on Android and iOS devices after several months of testing. What makes Apex Legends Mobile much different from other battle royale shooters like BGMI and Free Fire Max is the wide roster of characters called Legends. Each Legend comes with a unique set of abilities that offer tactical advantages in a battle. Picking a character that suits your play style and gives you a major advantage can make or break your game plan. If you are new to Apex Legends, then here's what you need to know about the characters aka legends in Apex Legends Mobile and their abilities:

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Legends in Apex Legends Mobile

1. Apex Legends Mobile Bloodhound

Bloodhound is the first Legend you get to try out in Apex Legends Mobile. The character could be a great choice to have on your team as they can detect enemies.

Bloodhound abilities

2. Apex Legends Mobile Bangalore

Bangalore has a pretty familiar skillset for shooters with smoke grenades and explosions. She is evasive and dangerous at the same time, which is exactly what you might need.

Bangalore abilities

3. Apex Legends Mobile Caustic

Caustic comes with an impressive set of abilities that makes him a dangerous opponent. His deadly Nox gas can help you eliminate squads quickly.

Caustic abilities

4. Apex Legends Mobile Fade

Fade is the brand-new Legend in Apex Legends Mobile, which also the game's only mobile-exclusive character so far. Fade comes with some powerful abilities, but it will take you a while to unlock the character.

Fade abilities

5. Apex Legends Mobile Gibraltar

Gibraltar is a defensive Legend who can protect himself and his allies from enemies using his abilities. This character can come handy in dangerous situations and help you survive.

Gibraltar abilities

6. Apex Legends Mobile Lifeline

Lifeline, as the name suggests, is a combat medic who will help you heal up after an intense gunfight. Lifeline will be unlocked right after your first match, so you can quickly play as this Legend.

Lifeline abilities

7. Apex Legends Mobile Mirage

Mirage's abilities are used to distract enemies while he plans his next attack. The Legend introduces you to Apex Legends Mobile and takes you through the tutorial when you start playing the game.

Mirage abilities

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8. Apex Legends Mobile Octane

Octane comes with a variety of movement abilities, which makes it quite difficult to track and defeat this character. Players who are really good at playing as Octane will generally have an upper hand in most gun fights.

Octane abilities

9. Apex Legends Mobile Pathfinder

Pathfinder's abilities let him and his teammates get to places no one else can and leverage some unique angles to defeat enemies. If used correctly, Pathfinder can be quite tricky to deal with.

Pathfinder abilities

10. Apex Legends Mobile Wraith

Although Wraith has a high skill ceiling, it's worth spending your time mastering this Legend. Wraith has some unique and dangerous abilities that can be used to easily defeat your enemies.

Wraith abilities

How to choose your Legend in Apex Legends Mobile

Picking your character in Apex Legends Mobile can be somewhat tricky. Ideally, you should pick characters that best suit your playstyle. For instance, if you like playing aggressive and pushing enemy squads, you can play as Octane. However, if you like stand back and shoot, you can play a defensive Legend like Gibraltar. The best way to understand which Legend is suitable for you is to play as every Legend for a few games and see which one feels the best.

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