X (formerly Twitter) had confirmed in August that it will bring video calls to the platform soon. This is one feature that had been missing on Twitter all this while. X has now launched an early version of video and audio calls, available first on iOS only. It’s confirmed to arrive on Android as well. Unsurprisingly, this feature is exclusive to premium subscribers. Everyone else will only be able to receive calls.
X gets video, audio calls
Elon Musk tweeted the announcement saying that this is an early version of the feature. X users on iOS will get the feature first, and it’s turned on by default. As mentioned above, only premium subscribers will be able to make video and audio calls, but all accounts on X will still be able to receive calls if you’ve turned the setting on.
X premium subscription is available at Rs 650 per month, and Rs 6,800 per year. So if you are an X premium subscriber, and you have an iPhone, you can follow these steps to start making video and audio calls.
- Open X on your iPhone, and tap on the envelope icon for your inbox.
- You can open an existing conversation or start a new one from here.
- You’ll now see a call button on top of the chat.
- When you tap on this you’ll get the option to start an audio call or a video call.
- The features for audio calls are basic as you can put calls on speaker, mute or unmute the mic, and end the call.
- With video calls too it’s the same but you have the option to switch to the front or back camera.
X also gives you control over this feature. You can have it enabled or disabled from the message settings. You can also choose who can call you on your platform. So it can either be people from your address book, people you follow or verified users. X has confirmed this feature will come to Android as well but it hasn’t given a launch timeline yet.